USS Maryland SSBN-738
Blue Crew Members Volunteer on Torsk!
Page 10
Bob Sleighter presents CDR Bowman with a framed picture of CDR Bowman and members of USSVI & SubVets of WWII with Maryland Lt. Governor Kathleen Kennedy Townsend. The picture was taken in April 2000, when CDR Bowman was in Annapolis receiving the Governor's Award for Volunteerism on behalf of both crews of the USS Maryland.
Commander Bowman presents a USS Maryland plaque to Bob Sleighter and the director of the Fleet Reserve Club. He also presented a plaque to the Torsk Volunteer Association.
The plaque presented to the Torsk Volunteer Association. It will hang in the Wardroom aboard Torsk where everyone can see it.
A close-up of the frame and print presented to the Maryland Crew by TVA.