Torsk Volunteers

Torpedo Load

November 10, 2000

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Just after 0800 the crane barge arrived. After they got alongside and dropped the mooring pilings to stabilize the crane, they came aboard and talked over the load with Frank Morgan, our loadmaster for the evolution. Frank is a member of Chesapeake Base USSVI and served as a TM aboard Grampus.

First thing to do was test the angle of the skid topside that would feed the MK-14 into the shack. Since our topside loading gear was removed when the loading hatch was cut away and the stairs put in, we used a full skid to feed the fish into the room. The crane crew was invaluable in assisting Doc and the Deck Gang with positioning the skid and later the fish and sonar consoles.


The skid was lifted over to the barge, and the MK-14 was strapped down. Then the entire assembly was lifted back onto Torsk.


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