James River Strip Ship III

USS Orion AS-18

October 2-3, 2000

The Volunteers returned to the Orion during the first week of October 2000 to remove more items. This time we got a slip roller and turret punch out of the sheet metal shop, several torpedo straps from the torpedo magazine, a fathometer off the bridge, sound powered phones and growlers, and several smaller items. We also made a video walk-through of the ship for the Orion Association. Several Orion vets accompanied us on this trip - it was an honor to have them aboard!

Read on for the pix of the trip!







Scott Armstrong and Herman Anschuetz (Orion Vet) begin removal of the UQN-1 Fathometer in the Nav Center just aft of the wheelhouse. This unit will fit perfectly in the Control Room on Torsk, replacing our missing UQN-1.



In the Sheet Metal Shop, Matt has pushed the sliproller to the door. The turret punch can be seen just behind his left elbow. This was taken from the starboard side looking to port.



Frank Morgan and Matt prepare the sliproller for lifting over the doorsill onto the deck outside. They are using the torpedo straps found in the magazine for lifting straps. We removed a chain hoist that was on a track in the mess deck and attached it to the overhead beam in the sheet metal shop, to use for lifting the sliproller and turret punch.