Tracey Johnstone's visit to London, England


Checking the time at Greenwich, the Prime Meridian!

Dad always tuned in to shortwave to time his watch with the Greenwich tick.

I'm wearing his watch and can't even get the stem out to make it follow Daylight Savings Time!



This is where the famous Captain Bligh of the Bounty lived in London!

Bligh lived right outside what is now the Imperial War Museum, a short walk from Waterloo Bridge, Waterloo Station and the Old Vic.



USS Torsk SS423 cap at Buckingham Palace!!

Britain's most famous Former Navy Wife wasn't home when I dropped by, otherwise, I know I would have been invited in!



15 inch naval guns at the Imperial War Museum.

 The one on the right served on two different ships and ended its service shelling Normandy before the invasion.


The motorcycle on which T.E. Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia) was killed, on display at the Imperial War Museum. .


That's All Folks!!


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