USS Torsk Photo Album

1960 - Torsk Visits USCGC Courier in Rhodes, Greece

Photos courtesy of Lt. Robert Haldi , USCGC Courier 1959-1961 and Clint McAuliff


From Bob Haldi:

"The Torsk came in one night and radioed (or flashed) us asking if anyone wanted to take an overnight ride. Andy Anderson was the OOD. He sent the truck over to find me to ask if I wanted to go and, if not, would I relieve him so he could. I went out with two others (a bosun and someone else) on the LCM - we were taken aboard, they submerged and the next morning we attacked the Forestall - they had lost their one practice torpedo and we had to fire a flare to indicate we had sunk her. This was about the 14th time in a row that the Torsk had sneaked in and theoretically sunk the Forestall - the Admiral was so mad he wouldn't give her mail to the sub - should have been mad at the destroyers. Anyway, after they came in to harbor they came alongside. A really interesting trip - the submarine service was, as far as they were concerned, still at war and carried a full complement of torpedoes thus the single practice one which was lost. I still have my membership card in the USS Torsk, as well as one from my 3-day cruise on the Forestall with one of the squadrons complete with a flight off her and catching the hook on the wire landing (a separate story). "

For more info on Courier click HERE


USCGC Courier moored off Rhodes, Greece. The Courier broadcast the Voice of America in several languages during the cold war from 1952 - 1964.



The series of photographs below show Torsk coming alongside Courier.



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