USS Torsk SS-423

Photographs submitted by Don Morton SN 54-55



March 25, 1954

"Kittery Naval Shipyard workers who helped on the overhaul of the submarine USS Torsk SS 423,
together with their families, were guests of the crew and officers of the sub at an open house
held aboard the vessel Thursday evening at her pier. Following are pictures taken during the tour
of the underseas ship."


 Pictured in the forward torpedo room of the submarine Torsk are
Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Cote and Milton W. Weymouth ENC, USN.
Photo by Paul E. Marston.



Women touring the sub Torsk get a chance to see how difficult it is to dispose of garbage from a submarine.
Looking over a garbage disposal unit, which was compared in complexity of operation
to a miniature torpedo tube, are Mrs. Henry E. Cote and Donald E. Morton SN, USN.
Photo by Paul E. Marston.



Here in the maneuvering room of the submarine Torsk are Mrs. and Mr. Norman E. Boisvert,
William K. Cather ICFN, USN and Lt. (JG) Marvin L. Schenker USN.
Photo by Paul E. Marston.



Bonnie and Barry Fitzpatrick, children of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fitzpatrick,  listen attentively as
Lt (JG) Marvin L. Schenker, USN,  gunnery officer, explains a little about the operation of an
after torpedo tube in the submarine Torsk. Mr. Fitzpatrick, an employee of the Kittery Naval Shipyard,
helped in the overhaul work on the Torsk.
Photo by Paul E. Marston.



Left to right; Ira A. Hartman FN, USN and Mr. and Mrs.
Henry E. Cote are pictured beside a machine shop lathe in the sub Torsk.
Photo by Paul E. Marston.

