USS Torsk Photo Album

The following photographs taken by Howard Hershberger are protected by copyright 2002. They may not be published in any form or reproduced, except for personal use, without the permission of Howard Hershberger.


1954 - various crew photos, by Howard Hershberger.

Installing doubler plate on After Engine Room hatch.

Bill Burns EN1, Unknown, Lester Hyde EN2.


At sea during LANTFLEX, in After Battery Crew's Berthing.

L - Elwood Morisette EMC 

R - Abner Dawson Reed TMC, Chief of the Boat


At sea during LANTFLEX in Forward Engine Room.

L - John Dejourdan EN1, R - Anthony Verzwyvelt EN1


At sea during LANTFLEX, in the Radio Room.

L - Bill Exum RM1

R - Glen Paxton QMC