USS Torsk SS-423

2011 Dry Docking

February 27-March 5, 2011

Top side of the starboard bilge keel, showing locations where Zinc anodes were originally attached.



Manhole covers have been removed from all ballast tanks while repairs are being done on the blanking plates.

Once the repairs are done, the tanks will be pressure tested for leaks.



Forward from the lift.



On deck!



.One of the projects was cleaning out the area under the superstructure of old junk that had collected over the years.



Everyone got a chance to throw something overboard and let it fly down 30 feet to the dock floor!



Nat Little and Tristan Bohannon collecting items from below deck.



Looking down into the bow boyancy tank. This area is not in great shape, with many areas of sheet

metal wasted terribly.



Looking forward in the bow bouyancy tank.



In the bow bouyancy tank, with wasted metal very evident. Below this area are the torpedo tube shutters.

