Memories of Joseph Grant Snow SN1 by Torsk Shipmates:


Joe Snow was a young seaman who was very well liked by everyone.He could have been a model for a recruiting poster. He was also very intelligent and very conscientious.

-Lt Roy Werthmuller, Executive Officer, letter, 1999


He was a very remarkable, nice young man. He was a striker and I had him in the Forward Torpedo Room. He was well liked, a hard worker.

-Ron Exell, TM1, video, June 30,2001


He was a very nice fellow, a Mormon from Utah. He was a Torpedo Striker.

-Herman F Ring, RM3, video, 2008


One of the finest young men I have ever had the pleasure of meeting.

-Don Lichty, TM3, video, May 17, 2003


I knew him well, I used to hang around with him. He was a wonderful boy. We used to go out, a bunch of us, and want to check out the bars. Joe would never go. He was a Mormon and he wouldn't even say darn. He'd go to the gym and shoot baskets someplace. Just a wonderful kid.

-Robert "Bob" Flaherty, GM3, video 1994